Friday, February 6, 2009

Magic Of High Thinking

In our busy,we are constantly faced with daily frustrations(Like our Institute,I don't blame it). We struggle through life looking for the answers which will lead us to happiness and devine peace and ofcourse success. One truth we often ignore is that the answers can be learned from our friends and small children. Children have many beautiful qualities and they know how to imagine(Remember your quality in your childhood).And some moments convince us that there is nothing in the world ,but only friends. But Still we are hard rocks to take it casual as usual.

Let's don't be it.

We are searching for the thing which we possess,So we never find it.

We all can dream big dreams and think big thoughts. We just have to use our imagination and self-belief which we all possess. It is sad to think about how we always forget to think big about ourselves and our lives. Are you making your dreams a reality! It is hard I guess. But gives pleasure.

We can blame it on our situations, we can blame other people, but the truth is that we are the only one,and none else, who can stand in the way of our dreams and destinations. It is also never too late to think big.Still I feel we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by thinking big about ourselves. So extend your imagination to such a high that it is higher than the believed limitations.

We have a lot to achieve in life. With this in mind, we need to let go of past fears and negative resources and collect past experience.Can you imagine yourself as someone who is making a contribution to life(it may be your or another's life)? How big can you think?It is nothing but the quality of feeling in your core.we should have a purpose that we do make a contribution. Contribution never reduces your wealth,it enhances the spirit in you,Is not it.

If you see yourself as an important factor,remember half of the job is finished.So look even bigger. If we are not fulfilled by our life then we must stretch our belief as I said before. Once this stream started flowing, we will get all kinds of fresh, creative ideas about ourselves and our lives. Our self esteem and inner beauty will begin to shine like a diamond.

Let's start thinking from today and

Let our dreams come true soon...




Anonymous said...

thinking high is one magic,& u expressed in the blog is another one...keep spreading ur thoughts