Sunday, September 4, 2011

Undefined Relationships matter..

      Everybody knows human-being always seeks for a society, not to prove himself a social animal but it's a necessity it can't deny to. He creates numerous relationships inside the same sphere. Someday everybody knows it all that everybody is connected to each other in someway either by co-incidence or through partial unprepared incidence or an occasional planned incidence. Obviously your parents, blood relatives are not gonna fall in this huge set.

     Personally I experienced various close, important, touching relationships which are quite difficult to explain and even to forget. You cant explain how an unknown person in a Mumbai local guides you the whole Mumbai in a moment. Wherever you always seek a trusted guide - Auto driver, without pay without thank you!
Remember the vocal-chat with Panipuri wala... about college about prof about girls about Games about night canteen about all which he has least idea in. Still he listens, smiles and so as we do. How do you explain when you spend your whole cold-night preparing a person for an interview and next day you miss the class. And you hardly talked to that person before or even after. In a long train journey you become a trivial part of a discussion on a random Insurance domain and you keep on trying to relate to it with your ever different Software-Code-Design-Domain. Still you make friends out there! How?

     I cry out when I think about my pet whom I love so much.. and can't call it .. can't chat with... can't even see for years :( .  Nice to explain about a dream that you carry for a girl to marry and you listen a interesting news.. she is gonna marry but its not you :P Also you think about a girl you think about day and night.. But Reverse is not true which I would call a prison of dreams.

    Anyways I find such fuzzy rather very efficient, neat, priceless relationship really important to me at any instance of my life. These undefined relationships are so unique, so close to heart, so instant, unestimated, frequent, and someof them so illogical and unexpected. I hope every single person should think about this once to value this valuable but volatile relationships...


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