Sunday, December 9, 2012

Patterns of life obstructing your Freedom

                 All animals in the world seeks the optimal freedom in their life. Some of them find it while performing their daily motions and some of them keep on trying for it even if they are already bound to an unavoidable pattern which i call coffee-care :) . Well i consider the first scenario occurs with most of the animals who reside not inside a n-storied building, in short they are non-human-animals. They are so much habituated with the same pattern , they never get bored, and they find there freedom and liberation very easily. Tigers keep on killing by chasing the weak, the mosquitos chase human for blood, cats for rats, cocks for insects and so on...So they can go through these patterns infinitely without even being aware of it. It satisfies their need, and never provides boredom.

                       On the contrary, the social animals always get bored on the pattern that repeat it self. they start suffering while being obsessed with the rotation of that pattern and being unable to come out of it. but what is the cause of this restriction from this liberation! A small cup of tea in the morning creates so much of bondage with an individual that without this it undesirably creates an aching sensation in mind. And the whole day goes in vein unknowingly for the sake of a cup of tea! I will say the simplest way to avoid the situation is to feel the importance of  being an human-being and not an animal. This very thought automatically gives you a sense where you will feel the sense to fight with the challenging situation where you fight with your own inclination towards your habit. A small wakefulness in your mind will definitely eradicate your weakness towards the momentary sense of pleasure, a tea. Well, the tea is the smallest example of our weakness, but there are more and more pleasant habits which always needs focus of your own time, to terminate. All these sleeping-seekness is always related either to your sense, your touch, your look, your commitment. These things are very rarely related to a third person. But in a general scenario, we always blame the third-person to be responsible for our disaster. It is not always the answer. As already said, a little sensibility with an individual can always make him pleasant and lead him/her to freedom and liberation from the weakness. We just need to know the barrier between the point where we feel pleasant of the habit and the point we unknowingly fall into an addiction to a habit. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Leisure and Timepas...

Ques : what do you do for living?
Ans : coding
Ques : what do you do in the evening?
Ans : facebook
Ques : what are you doing in the weekends?
Ans : Bas.. movies, khana, peana aur sona.. :) as simple as that

        And Still we are proud as we belong to the group which is properly educated and is expected to change something. We strongly comment on each sensitive issue of this country, the growing corruption, the diminishing democracy, economic growth and many things. But are they really gona change if we keep spending our time with the above manner. The straight answer is NO. 

         Well the topic is not to improve the nation with changing our life , the idea is  : are we spending our leisure or utilizing our leisure? Usually the leisure is always meant to lessen the mind and body and be relax and cool. When you come home, tired and stressed and partially shot by the manager, the last thing you do is think. You want to relax and cut loose. As I have seem from my experience this means three or four normal things.Put your ass in front of an idiot box or make yourself chemically stimulated( I mean ) or think think.. you have no work why to leave office, lets spend some more time there only.  And we claim we are good enough to spend Quality time during whatever leisure we have! Really!

         We are so much addicted to the digital world that we hardly think there are things beyond it. When we are quite upset we sit still thinking of the same things again and again. The actual reason behind it is we really do not want to explore what else can  we perform during that time? That is the reason we either hit the keyboard or hold a bottle or rub the hair.. and nothing. So the ultimate reason of the boredom or the anxiety of the current e-world is the inability to escape from the digital world and ignorance, what to perform in the leisure.

          Well, how to solve the problem? I have identified some of the really interesting, rather beneficial timepas work.. :P.  Lots of people love eating delicious food, how about making  each of them at home and inviting your close friends to have them and having a fruitful time :)   In my college time we used to spend lots of time on "Post match discussion" , where we used to discuss what went  wrong and what can be corrected in the next match and well the so called strategy-making-process . We can do similar time pass taking some current-related topics in to our discussions( like office, games, society, girlfriends, breakups, cooking, hobbies, travel-places, storybooks, marriages, future-planning, internet sites, forums, gossips). In a group ( or with another special person ) it really lessens the burden of thought and gives courage to perform. In between we can read books of our interest and tell others about it. We can travel new and again nearby places  and have time pass and dinner! Sometimes we can opt to spend our time to go to those places where the poor and the distressed are there, we can take a look at the current situation which we always ignore. We can manage to arrange small functions or hangout-picnics together which always gives fun and takes none :) At last , we always have options to watch movies, go to the malls, facebooks, chats, g-hangouts, twits .. which are really the least priority to have quality time.

    Well the small but important idea is  that "Always Be involved in some activities that helps you and that makes you feel free :) "

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Attitude Towards A 3rd person

                          When we talk about someone so eagerly we already have one judgement on the person. The first thing is which group the individual belongs to! Either he belongs to "Us" or "Them". Then usually it begins How is he/she different from others, how much wrong is he as compared to us and why is he not in the Group 'X' and why is he in group 'Y'.if he were among "Us" then at this moment he would be with us to discuss about another person of  "Them". 

                     Well the idea is what else differentiates us from them. I am not defining the necessary parameters rather its more or less focus on how most of the times due to some assumptions , notions we actually behave differently for a particular person. Our psychology towards an individual changes mainly due to our ignorance  of his/her ways of thinking and living. We always create our notion on the basis of our own thought including the buzz of the surrounding which often creates an unreal image of that individual in side our brain and heart. Well the suggestion can be this way, We will not make our notion as our judgement so early, even before talking to him/her. Without giving ample amount of time towards the culture of one's life directly or indirectly the direct conversion of our notion into judgement is completely unacceptable. If its seems useless to spend such time we can just leave the person and go.But if it somehow interests us positively or negatively, spend some time with  some two way activities like-living together ,working together,argue together..etc Now we bridge the ambiguous gulf that once used to separate us in feeling and imagination :). Now we can be sure of the judgement we do for him/her. By spending simple hours we start to appreciate where we would have to blame, we start to love where we would have to hate. Moreover we make allowances for his/her weaknesses or strengths. And who knows there are better results of this activity which is beyond my imagination and scope. But for sure we get a better picture of a person by this and we serve the idea socialism in between :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dependency should not stop us "thinking"

                                Different interests and different expectations always make a new path for an individual to go on. the question is How. Well these are two different prospects of different individuals but in a way which leads to the same destination of the same individual. Simplifying it, each and every work we do, we do either we actually need or we have keen interest in it to do. And again when we do work in our workplace also sometimes we stick to the activity which we love to and that becomes our path where we are going into the future. Again everybody does not have the same opportunity or luck to continue on the interest, And here comes the second propellant in our life : Expectation of another individual!. Most of the instance somebody's expectations becomes your path, which you follow- either by own interest or by being insisted to choose the compulsory option  or by being blind to expect the better future .But most of the times we run the rat's race just to chase somebody which is actually somebody's intention but becomes our routine. And We never find a  single moment in that routine to configure our personal interest anywhere. But interestingly we claim, we are working for some people due to a lot of unavoidable dependency, but always hide that we are never fit to fulfill our "own simple interests".

                         Anyways the idea behind the post is not at all to stop anybody from working for an expectation.The world is a very huge space to think of self only. People have to fulfill someone's expectations and that person has to fulfill some other's. So the dependency-network will not allow us to be free completely. But it is not at all advisable to ignore own interest and hobbies and work for the other. If we can't make ourselves completely satisfied how can we be eligible to come up other's expectation :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It needs tremendous effort and dedication to be a girl

              Well i am not pointing to change the sex of a boy by SRT :). Keeping an eye on the current sex ratio,the priority and intensity of girls keeps on increasing each day and each moment. Now a days it is becoming a blessing if you are a girl, you get attention, you get observation both from family and others. And the society, now-a-days is building up in the same way. And some how I see the change in attitude of both girls and boys in each generation.For some it is diminishing and for some it is rising up.. And from this attitude here it generates improper mapping  of ideas among the same group of people( may be boys and may be girls). Well I am not in a position to find a solution until everybody is aware of the real scenario which exists now.

             The  normal tendency now becomes like this. One group will have an attitude and the others will bow down and tolerate.Because there is rarely another way I found!  Some people feel it if they analyse and some don't ans some ignore this and let it go on :P...But Now Question is why the hell it needs a lot of dedication to show an attitude and carry on the same. Not being a girl I can explain in short.

 It is always difficult for a person to ignore than to answer, and they have to do it.
 It is always difficult for a person to deny than to agree with someone and they do it.
 Well everybody knows its difficult to wait and always more uneasy to make someone wait.

well, it is difficult for them, is n't it?
Explanation is clean and clear, No offence it was an idea I got, should not hurt anybody :)