Sunday, December 9, 2012

Patterns of life obstructing your Freedom

                 All animals in the world seeks the optimal freedom in their life. Some of them find it while performing their daily motions and some of them keep on trying for it even if they are already bound to an unavoidable pattern which i call coffee-care :) . Well i consider the first scenario occurs with most of the animals who reside not inside a n-storied building, in short they are non-human-animals. They are so much habituated with the same pattern , they never get bored, and they find there freedom and liberation very easily. Tigers keep on killing by chasing the weak, the mosquitos chase human for blood, cats for rats, cocks for insects and so on...So they can go through these patterns infinitely without even being aware of it. It satisfies their need, and never provides boredom.

                       On the contrary, the social animals always get bored on the pattern that repeat it self. they start suffering while being obsessed with the rotation of that pattern and being unable to come out of it. but what is the cause of this restriction from this liberation! A small cup of tea in the morning creates so much of bondage with an individual that without this it undesirably creates an aching sensation in mind. And the whole day goes in vein unknowingly for the sake of a cup of tea! I will say the simplest way to avoid the situation is to feel the importance of  being an human-being and not an animal. This very thought automatically gives you a sense where you will feel the sense to fight with the challenging situation where you fight with your own inclination towards your habit. A small wakefulness in your mind will definitely eradicate your weakness towards the momentary sense of pleasure, a tea. Well, the tea is the smallest example of our weakness, but there are more and more pleasant habits which always needs focus of your own time, to terminate. All these sleeping-seekness is always related either to your sense, your touch, your look, your commitment. These things are very rarely related to a third person. But in a general scenario, we always blame the third-person to be responsible for our disaster. It is not always the answer. As already said, a little sensibility with an individual can always make him pleasant and lead him/her to freedom and liberation from the weakness. We just need to know the barrier between the point where we feel pleasant of the habit and the point we unknowingly fall into an addiction to a habit. 

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