Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Slippery Sleep...

What do we call a situation when we dream but tangentially? Tangentially!!

Ok, we sleep minimum of 8 hrs a day in hostel. And from that maximum comes during the
night.Some nights include the job of sleeping but eyes open. Various reasons I found for this kind of usual incidents. I call this a slippery sleep.

During the whole day we go through three kinds of states. Conscious- completely sensitive
towards the surroundings.Unconscious- having least of the sensory perception towards the outside world.And the third most important and most unusual is sub-conscious.Everybody knows the term, but often misunderstand it to dreams. Both the concepts i.e. the sub-consciousness and the dream seems the sameduring the sleep. But they are quite different.

Sub-consciousness stage includes the thoughts and the result of the thoughts arising
due to the processing of those thoughts in your own mind. Whenever a person deeply judges or analyzes an issue, that may lead to such kind of situation. We often clearly see those during our sleep,but we wake up those are very unclear. The objects, the persons, the entire scenario becomes a type of illusion. And We call it a dream that we can hardly remember. And about dream... We do not often see it.When a dream comes that includes a perfect sleep and perfect state of mind. A healthy mind is always ready to have a dream, but not a sub-conscious stage.

And there are some occasions which do not match to any of the above. Sometimes we set an
alarm,and get up before that even after having a good nap. Sometimes we spend the whole night thinking about some issues or some persons and wait for the morning to come. But during that time we have a good sleep in intervals. And those intervals we are hardly able to count. In which interval we sleep and in which interval we do not ,that becomes a complete mystery in the morning.But the morning says you have a good sleep and also a good time during the night. Well whatever this slippery sleep may be I believe this is unusual and somewhat unhealthy for persons like us. The solution to the mystery is still a challenge for me.

1 comment:

Sunil Mishra said...

not d best article one shall read consdering d literature sense of d blog.. but dude.. nice observations.. see dat sub conscious stuff.. we engineers have perfected that :-) .. and dat 4th unnamed acategory that u talked abt.. well i guess dats reserved for lovers and all. so no experiece dre :)