Friday, December 17, 2010

Always we Go for the Better! Why!

    Better, Better and better. That's what we used to hear from our parents and superiors. We keep on working on different objects to make things better, to go things better and better. Because we think that is the destiny we have set in our mind. Thing is that human being never tries to go against his restless and inquisitive spirit. He always have an tendency to go for better and choose the better and search the better. I never go against this optimistic behaviour of the human being. Sometimes searching for better gives frustration and failure which always lead to various mental agony. What is the solution. here?

   Simple it is. Compromise with your run for the better objects. Stop the process of searching sometimes to enjoy the stickiness of the idle time. Spend sometime to really enjoy the things that you have acquired till now. Because we have leading life not always to make it better, but to lead it in a way that we love. I feel ,pleasure not always comes by effort but always by the way you live for yourself and for others. The word Better does not always mean to enrich your account or enhance your perfection about a domain it particularly does include your life partner you choose. Some people get a lot of choice, some get few and some get none. Those who get a lot of choice always try to compare things like a bargain in the daily-market and spend their time to find the better one. But it never stops for which there occurs mix  up among all.

   One thing I want to advise strictly not to believe the coincidence you find in your life. we always mistook the coincidences as God's gift which is not always true. I have met a lot of coincidences which I really expect to happen. And also on regular basis. But that never worked or will never, because they are just  the overestimation of the emotions we possess. Remember coincidences never lead to your fate.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Somethings About Crossed Palms...

       I know this topic is quite unusual topic to discuss, but I feel the essence of the topic is very interesting and sometimes useful also. All through our life sometimes we must have heard about the body language, behavioural analysis and all those HR related stuffs. I analysed some real time facts when a human being is in a position when his/her hands or palms crossed one over the other. 

      I had this idea when I observed Amitabh Bachhan having so much of experience of presentation and starting the KBC with deep sigh and long breath with opening the crossed palms lightly to open the presentation to the audience. What I refer from it is that the change of amplitude of the excitement and interest of the presenter matters a lot during any promotion or presentation, which I saw the opening of two palms by Mr. Bachhan in KBC. I often see The U.S. president Mr. Obama starts his speech the same way as above.

     During one to one conversation with a new person closing your palms one over the other shows reluctance   of the person to listen to the other. But my observation says it shows politeness and obedience of the person.
So the conversation with this kind of behavior gives complements to both the party.

     And most importantly every one will agree on my point about girls giving their shots(poses) with either one palm on the other hand or one palm on the other palm. And interestingly and compulsorily those pics become their so called matrimony-eligible pics. I will again explain the reason behind this. Girls having conservative nature , polite behaviour and somewhat possessive attitude generally give shots like this. They do respect the existing culture and fashion of the country. Again I will say my comments are only based upon my observations.
     Well crossed palms have their own importance in many part of life.Well I don't want to discuss the palm of the bride on the palm of the groom during marriage which is a quite usual culture of our religion and all.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dedication: Some Serious Things I Feel...

Dedication: Some Serious Things I Feel...

Some Serious Things I Feel...

     Every great man says in  the very huge world you come alone and also go back alone. You get a very limited resource to work for yourself as well as others. The more you work for others the more renowned and special you will be in the society. Very much true it is. But you can never be motivated to work for the other so easily, as you are after all human being. Motivation for only comes when you are a satisfied entity in your personal life.

      But why is this serious discussion! I try to explain how trust comes so much of role in satisfying a person. Everyone has their own secrets , their own feelings and  own ways of understanding things. Every body has their different but still unique way of perceiving non-verbal behaviour of the person they see or stare. At the same time   he/she always searches for the person who has maximum similarity with himself/herself. But that does not always mean he becomes your friend. But he has the so called features to be eligible to be your friend whom you can share things. Again as everybody has always a internal desire to share some moments, some secrets, some serious personal happenings with some other else. The reason is again self satisfaction or intension of reducing the burden from the busiest part of life, work hours.

          Here comes the matter of trust into picture. Trust is an entity which is not built just because spending time together for a  long time but it comes from perfect comprehension of a non verbal communication, on daily basis. In these kind of relationships the strength of bond between the two is built upon only trust where you become ready to hold the hand of a person you trust and love, rather than spending time in the expecting him/her to hold yours. I mean, trust takes a person from a 'I' to 'We' thing. What I mean is when you start to deliver something from you two, there is no hesitance to say a 'We will'.

          Anyways, some people hesitate to make relationships like this because they are afraid to loose someone they trust or love in different ways. The ways are simply called either betrayal or break-ups.I wish you all a trust-worthy life...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Experience Vs Expertise

       Profession for each professional consists of some co-ordination, some compromise, some conflicts, little fun and a handful of jealousy. We always try to avoid the behaviour jealousy and re-frame it with a fruitful competitive mind. As far as I know from my small experience I have never seen competition among the entities that belong to the same batch of herd. Moreover I find there is lot of internal conflicts those keep on each day, but in a very cool manner. I may not be able to find the valid reason for the same either due to my less engagement or due to my small experience or due to the lack of my interest on the topic. Anyways it might be the common behaviour in each field of the profession.

      As far as my knowledge What I infer the unavoidable conflict or co-ordination between the experience and expertise plays the most important role in the success of any product that we deliver. The issue of conflict between the two can be within same person or can be between to different persons.

     In the first case if the person having a lot of experience in his pocket looses his eagerness to work always creates circumstances that hampers the product. Also person having small experience and having expertise in a certain area avoids help from experienced guys also creates inconsistency. 

     The lack of coordination of different groups of people , one group having experience and other having expertise without experience have different reasons of its own. From my personal experience the reason includes the following:

  • People from different age groups obviously have communication gap due to various reasons like unwillingness to respect and under estimation of talents of inexperienced by the experienced.
  • If the people having small experience having greater knowledge than the experienced in some areas the jealousy comes in to picture to create friction in the development
  • The Ego factor of the older ones often blocks the way for them to share anything among the newer people.
  • The excitement and eagerness of the inexperienced guys to complete their job before time to impress some other people always hampers quality of the product due to the least time dedication towards work.
  • I will explain an deadlock situation that often happens in every day life. The lack of submissiveness of a certain mistake in either side(experienced and inexperienced) always creates a situation when they get Zero help from the other party. And the product delivery or the job stuck some where else. And third party like managers are strictly needed under the situations. 
  • Deliberate display of limited knowledge sometimes create confusion among the team due to high confidence in the delivery of the words. Confusion unnecessarily spoils the time which could have utilised in fruitful work.
  • Reluctance or hesitation of persons to share their knowledge never help people who could have been more productive.
  • Eagerness of the experienced fellows to relax a lot of time due to their weight in the team does enhanced difficulties for the new comers.                                                                                              

     Most importantly a small but honest appreciation of one person  who is either experienced or in-experienced by the others creates some kind of real motivation among the team. So it does help for smooth   run of the difficult issues. The work environments suddenly becomes beautiful for the professional. I wish that will happen everywhere...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Which is Difficult? To Remember or To Forget

         Remember our childhood. We were given home work to do out and to remember. Yes I remember those days when it was very difficult to remember a simple word or sentence. And day after day we face situations to remember one or two pages. Now I can't deny in our engineering time we used to remember one book in one day only. Is it called a usual evolution process or it's a matter of compulsion that insists a person to do so. Yes I have gained memory power to remember things, a lot of things in small time. No matter everyone does the same thing.

        Now I think of something different than the others. Can I forget things as the same manner that I used to do in my childhood? Its a quite unusual question to put. Why does a person try to forget when there are a lot of money being wasted to remember certain things. The logic is fair enough to put here.

        But In my personal experience it's becoming even impossible to forget some moments of my life which I need, not to remember. The more I try to forget the more it chases behind me. What I think , this is one of the reasons why people are so much worried now a days. Every individual needs some of his  challenging and difficult moments to remember. At the same time he/she needs some happy, important rather ignorable moments to forget. Here comes the confusion between the quality and quantity of interest and dedication of that individual for spending that time and, the degree of his attempt to remember or forget those moments. The  
ambiguity of the thoughts creates more area in our memory. That might be the reason why people can't forget some things even if they want. These moments keep hurting us wherever we go what ever we think. It becomes the part of each thought of our life. The underground emotions which used to be dormant at one point  of time becomes a nondetachable part of our thoughts. I do not know whether it is a problem to somebody.. But by my personal experience felt it guides our life towards inevitable fate and nothing...

Friday, October 15, 2010

I can't call them as my Randomized Thoughts...

      Perhaps I am getting much more time to think into various matters which may not matter a lot to the current situation of my life. Lots of random and unusual thoughts come into mind which are really hard to digest for any body. I know not a lot of people has time to think. But they have perfect concentrated narrow thoughts to carry with them. But I have lots of costly belongings to share with you all. But they may not have value for you. Thats why great men say every human being is different. Different behavior means not only characteristics they show, but also the characteristics they hide. The way of delivery of talents, the way of appreciation, the way of creating depression in other's mind, the way of creating imbalance in the environment, the way of showing the passiveness to a stimulus, the way of refusal of promise, the way of showing commitment to a value less entity, the way of advertising the own behaviour, the way of replicating the original one by an ideally duplicate one, the way of mixing of water to milk and so on... 

     There are so less number of instances which performs some kind of satisfaction in one mind and creates some kind of vacuum in the opposite side. No offence, they pretend to know about that matter because of so called public interest. If these things do not play any role in our professional day to day life I will not hesitate to call them 'my random thoughts which came automatically to mind. And I could not resist to keep it with myself. Sometimes we ignore major portion of our thoughts thinking them as usual and common. But the real taste of life lies among these ignored emotions.  Believe me they are really precious to oneself if one utilizes it, rather understands it. Way before my present life I used to think these thoughts are just the product of some chemical reactions that regularly occurs in our mind. When I felt the heart is also involved in the reaction I realized that nothing can be more valuable than these unintentional thoughts which you can carry with you through out the life. I would not explain it as a kind of experience but they are the instances that would always remind you about your needs and deeds during a period of time you spent with somebody else or the other.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mirror Hardly Reflects A Person...

       Our daily life starts when we listen to the undesirable but expected alarm ring in the morning. Is n't it! Before going to the work place we invariably take a look at the mirror the confirm the readiness of the appearance to suit with the atmosphere. Well, the intension is not to go through the daily activities we perform. Something different I want to focus on.

      The mirror ,unlike a judge, gives the reflection of the picture that you keep in your mind. We want the physical forms,appearance and beauty to be perfect when we judge ourselves in the mirror. A confidence grows in every brain after the mirror scan. We get very less time in a day to deal with the internal issues which really matter in our life. We always want to be like an entity what the rest of the world wants us to be. That is one reason why we are comfortable with the life that we are living right now. We always hesitate to go in front of a mirror which really reflects our true natures like jealousy, desire, pride, love, anger, perceptions and all. To be frank enough one of the reason behind it is the reluctance of the human beings to go out of the comfort zone. The other , rather the important reason is the ego of the person.

     One point i want to make clear that when ever we look at another person we go for  external appearance.It is very much true. But the moment we start talking with him/her we always look into the person's mind, how he thinks, how friendly the person is, how much knowledge he has, how much he cares for you and after all how much respect he has for you in his eyes. We as an observer expects at least these things from the person who we watch or talk to. The surprising story is that still we care a lot about our external appearance. If some of these times would be dedicated to redefine our internal senses life becomes easier on the next day.

         To summarize it all I want to give a simple logical instance. Remember the day you first observe your girl friend/Boy friend. And compare it with the day when you start talking with her/him. And again compare it with today when you are  much friendly with her/Him. The difference (may) lie on one thing. The closeness (may) starts  growing when you start looking  at the true nature of the person like dedication, care, love and all...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Misconceptions About Girls due to Generalization...

        In the very first line of this post I want to admit my mistakes on the notion about girls before coming to Pune. Some may not like what I write. Still I have my intentions clear as usual.

        From the beginning of my intermediate (+2) to the end of my graduation its a long period to look in to different matters and give opinion. I have keen interests in various illogical aspects of our Human life which may not end any where. I have given some strong opinions about girls in the past. I have met very few girls who have both smartness and beautifulness attached to their brain. That might be one of the excuses for me when I strongly commented that in general girls dare to think fast and they are more inclined towards costumes rather than something that relevant. Their selfishness always irritates the boys and in the mean while stops them not to say the truth. Boys strive hard to fulfill some easy requirements of the girls which might be a wastage of time in my words. But I guess thats what boys are brought into existence. 'The great theory of No Gain' is very much befitting to the scenario. But still it goes on the same way even I comment or complement these. Any ways time has come for me to review myself after the input of some data to my schema.

     Excuse me girls. I met some people in pune, my worship place at the moment who changes whole of my opinion towards girls. Yes girls exist in the world who have both smartness and intelligence and beautifulness crowned to their brain. And I will love to admit my mistakes in these rare scenarios. But I don't know whether  I will carry on the same view in future. People please excuse me if the above words have hurt you.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Always Choose whether to Generalize!

     Everybody knows that each and every object on the earth behaves uniquely, perhaps we name it differently. Each entity, living or nonliving has unique identification. That uniqueness also unique to the entity that identifies it.Fine,we now exclude the non-living entities from our discussion. We talk about the ever genius human-beings.Whenever we come across any person we create a preconceive notion about that person before any conversation even if we find hardly anytime for it. This is human tendency which insists him to think deeply into a personality that he comes across. This is what happens before the interaction. 

        The eagerness of the human being to know and to understand a person always keeps him out of the comfort zone. He always expects a lot from the talk which he never finds. But his expectation never ends. After 3 minutes    of the meeting human thinks at least 30 minutes about the person. He starts relating himself with each word he filters from the short conversation. Some great people say this human tendency to compare things, makes him active and competitive. I would agree to this but to some extent. Activeness and competitiveness do not stop you from generalizing a specific human's behaviour.  Whenever you compare the characteristics and behaviour, general idea is to perceive what you like and ignore the rest. This is what i called random suitable generalization. which always leads to loss of important data and points.

     Ok, now I explain why these random rather mostly avoided things come into my mind. If my manager indicates me to write MOM(minutes of the meeting) I will always prefer to write those points that he/she likes. that to in a precised manner. What do I do now. Even if I want I cant report the things that needs to be elaborated. Because those are out of my professional range. Advices say precise the things, so that you can be more decisive. But how can I generalize a number of people's opinion, which is quite unique as I said before. But management says ignore many to implement a single idea which may or may not be relevant and even though lots of better ideas are sent to trash.

     I will focus another instance here. Whenever we come across any girl we think and interpret a lot than to accept the facts. And we give a opinion , rather decision, which practically makes no meaning. This is also a kind of random generalization.

      Even if the management-theory roars about the generalization, I strictly criticize the idea under certain occasion...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Somethings We Can't Change...

         We are either male or female or both or neither black,white, brown or yellow with blue, grey or black eyes and straight or curly hair that reflects or absorbs light in its own fabulous or dreary way.some people live longer than us, others die around us and the only thing that connects it all, connects these things, yet is too complex to understand due to its excessive randomness.These basic facts of each of our lives which determine who and what we are and are becoming does always being neglected.

          The most concrete of these is of course the only other constant than change on this planet - death. Some will die quickly others in slow agony. some will give up, others will fight their way into oblivion and beyond, yet each person upon this plane of existence is fated to have at least one experience that is the same as each other person here.

what's the point of the story - there is none really.... or is there?

             I have realized in my wanderings that there are things about myself and my life that I cannot change.I am an engineer and I know some languages that I can't forget.I have crossed some barriers that I can't back- track even if somebody helps. The foremost important fact is that I can't generate those lovely and unforgettable moments even if I have complete access to the Oracle database.

             The flip side of the coin is that I can change the way I view my world and that in doing so, I can manifest the things I truly want and need. not through personal effort alone, but through the connectivity with the universe's energy. communicating with something or somebody that is at once everything and nothing.... Amazingly it might be easy once you open your mind to it.

                There is a peace in knowing that everything will be ok, even if it is not at the moment. its really strange, but the moment I started believing that my life will be fine and will work out exactly as it should, things became better. not necessarily because they changed, but because I looked at them through new eyes.

Friday, September 10, 2010

When Past Reminds Us Something

             I have to make my life give a comfort zone under the influence of my profession, no other way is found. Some of my past days insist me to weigh the lives before and after the border line  I just passed. I try to focus some of them with comparisons..

    1. Take an instant of the Question paper of an exam. It's quite expected, but unjustified. And about the answers-Huh... again expected but never predictable. Still we secure 'Ex'. And on the other part we call the questions as scenario or tasks,which is quite expected. But for us it has some SCOPING problem in the task. Still we manage to answer perfectly. But grades, which we call appreciation gives NULL value.
    2. In college Everyday in and out we talk about knowledge and intelligence  and never forget to respect or comment. but now life comes to a stage we always think about experience and nothing else.
    3. We fight for a single Samosha or Bada. Now-a-days either we hate the free samosha that is availabe else Samosha has lost her beauty and vigor.
    4. The habbit of early to bed( 5 in the morning) and early to rise(1afternoon) has really vanished due to the goodness of the professional life.
    5. The independence of the life has really gone. We started leaning on the other to get a support. Which they say KT(Knowledge Transfer)
    6. The class bunk due to early to bed( 5 in the morning) is now professionally called Sick Leave.
    7. The usual timepass issues are Mithai of Lunch, Mimicry of the Bade Loags, Gardens, Malls, Towers, SOCs,PricePlans,Ban, Subscribers... Huh.....                                                              I think time has come to compromise with things which we used to hate until we get some clue to  escape from it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dedication: Constraints Of Life

Dedication: Constraints Of Life: " The question is: Are we in a position to differentiate between the mindset we had in our childhood and we having now? I bet..."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Constraints Of Life

                 The question is: Are we in a position to differentiate between the mindset we had in our childhood and we having now? I bet more than 50% people have least of the moments to look into the matter. Because the society in which they are brought up , the education they had, the advice they perceive, the position they have right now would never allow them to rethink it. Because as per their mindset it only wastes their valuable time and it may also give a handful of headaches and nothing less than that. Let’s try to go deep into the matter if you can.

                Way behind our intermediate education we used to be in proper guidance and care of our parents. More than half of the questions we used to ask during that time are irrelevant for us now. We can feel the diversity of types of questions we used to ask during the school days are less than that we ask during LKG or UKG level. The same thing is reflected now. Question is: Are we becoming more sensible and more intelligent so that we are now able to answer those questions easily. Else we are unwilling to face those questions again which we asked during our childhood. Else we want to concentrate on the current work more consciously than wasting our time. And at last we really run from those questions as we still have no answers to them. The accurate answer to the ambiguous question will be different for different individuals. I may explain what I feel.

               What I feel is major portion of our time is being spent on fulfilling responsibilities and equipping ourselves to live more comfortably and peacefully. We are fed in such way that we completely know and recognize things which we should not do. We are hardly taught about the areas where we should work. Before the start of any work the prime cause of excess time is we always search for the paths that we should not follow. That's what I call constraints of life. So we get a little amount of time to think which path we really should follow. Take a funny and interesting example. Whenever we look a girl we always compare the features with our expectations. She should be like this and that. We think about culture, parents, caste, language, religion, complexion, height, health and all. By the time we think what type she is, how she thinks, how much she cares, she is really gone out of the scope. Fine let's try again... Next time the same thing happens. The really sadness behind the idea is ,these things happens in our day to day life, but we are so much usual and habitual to these constraints that we think all these to be rules we should follow and we should not disrespect them. And we keep on getting into the network of constraints of life deeper and deeper. Well God help us and give us some freedom from these so called rules, I mean CONSTRAINTS we have.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Professional Ethics

The absolute measure of life comes when you join any organisation which more or less work for itself rather for you. The enthusiasm of that is generated during the transition of two unmatched pages of life gets narrower and in the mean while gets concentrated. The pleasure and motivation of the day when you get the taste of offer letter suddenly changes into tiredness. It's just a one month gap and you earn infinite times than that of what you did. You spend hundred times than that of what you have seen in real life. Why these happens even if you know that it will happen. Did n't you know that you will be a slave, but still you do the job. The strongest consolation in this regard is that you look for dignity and respect among a small community. But you never care the amount of love, the volume of reluctance of your heart, you have paid for. Anyways life goes on and it ends somewhere else. I am one of the entities in the pool and I will also agree the rule. Is that the whole idea.

The biggest motivation for the post is the culture that we adopt which we never like in our life. The amount of compulsory work, the amount of unnecessary stress, the volume of formality and much more, not just annoy but even comes to dreams during the night. One's pleasure of sweet-taste taking a bitter bite is just strictly appreciated just because you are a part of team. You salute an entity even if you are not a guard. You lie for someone who you never met before. These things are not done automatically. Business ethics includes these variety of rules which we are proud to follow. And we think we should do the same as we are paid for. Is it necessary and compulsory to adopt the new culture else you create your own and fight for it! will the idea bring too much of risk and too much of distance for yourself! These things create the most common and again the most important steps of your life. Well hope we manage it as before...